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5 Tips To Finding Your Lost Pet

Losing a pet is an extremely traumatic experience and it’s easy to lose hope and your stress blocks you from maximizing some possible solutions to getting your pet back asap.

Below are some solid tips that may help boost your success rate in getting your pet back home.

Photo by Randy Laybourne on Unsplash

#1 Act Quickly
The minute you discover your pet is lost or has strayed away ~ act fast.
Start your search immediately and try to cover as much ground as you can.

Of course you will check the vicinity first calling your pet’s name out loud & let neighbors and friends know and help you if possible.

• knock on your neighbor’s doors
• wave down motorists, if possible, and ask them to keep an eye out [have business cards or pcs. Of paper with your name/phone # that they can text/call you at].
• Children in the neighborhood are a great resource, caring & willing to help.
• Ensure you also leave your contact details behind to make it easier for people to reach you if they spot your pet.

Acting quickly is essential as it turns out that most pets stay close to where they were lost. So if you act fast your chances are much better.

#2 Check Any Nearby Hiding Places

• Your pet may be ‘trapped’ somewhere ~ be open to this possibility.

Most pets are afraid once they realize they are lost or trapped, and will not go far.
In fact, most lost indoor cats are eventually found hiding or trapped in their own homes or property, or in the homes or property of very close neighbor’s homes.

While dogs may look for visible shades and unoccupied spaces, cats will look to find hiding spots.
• Use a flashlight to search in small spaces as cats are particularly fond of small enclosed spaces. S
 Check drains, under parked cars, abandoned sheds.
• Most pets won’t stray far from home
• Many will come out after dark ~ looking for food. Leave food out for them: they have amazing scent abilities.
• Especially look for them after dark ~ this is when they are most likely to respond and seek ‘saving’.
• Listen for faint animal sounds ` whimpering [they may be injured or stuck somewhere!
• Leave your pet’s favorite food outside along with a favorite toy, blanket with their smell on it, this can help them find their way back home.

#3 Post Clear Pictures of Your Lost Pet Throughout the Area

• Post also on available neighborhood bulletin boards,
• community websites [NextDoor],
• pet retail store bulletin boards,
• traffic intersections.
• Hand out flyers with all pertinent information describing your pet & with your
 Sex
 Age
 Breed
 Coat color
 Any special markings
 Your contact information
Important Tip: Ensure you leave out a distinct characteristic or marking in your pet’s description to protect against cons and scammers who may claim to have your pet.

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

#4 Contact Local Rescues, Shelters and Vet Clinics

Visit or call up any local animal rescue and care agencies and shelters as most lost and found pets are sent to such organizations. Ensure you call every day as these agencies are often very busy and may not have time to make a connection between a lost and found animal.

If you can visit the local rescue centers daily, the better as you will get a chance to look at their daily lost and found animals records. Such organizations can also advise you on where to look for your pet as they have some experience finding lost pets.

If you do not have a local shelter in your neighborhood, contact the Sheriff’s office and give them a brief and clear description of your pet, their recent photograph and your contact details just in case they find your lost animal.

If you suspect your pet was stolen, contact your local police department and file a report with them. You can also call and file a lost pet report with your local animal care and control agency.

Do not forget to visit the vet, as some people may opt to take a lost pet there if they aren’t aware of the nearest shelter location. Besides, in case your pet is injured, they may also have been taken to the vet.

#5 Use Social Media

If you are not savvy with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ~ reach out to a student or teenager ~ they are usually ‘top drawer’ wired into these Social Media platforms, and love pets and willing to help post your lost pet situation.
Some of the sites you can search include:

● Home Again
● Fido Finder
● Center for lost pets
● Craigslist
● Missing pet partnership
● Lost Dogs of America
● Lost Found Pets USA
1. Try an announcement on radio or TV, local newspapers
• Announcement on a local radio or TV station and local periodicals.
• Ensure you include any unique trait that may set your animal apart from others.

 You can also include a reward with your ad but be wary of scammers who may claim to have your pet to get the reward.
 Do not agree to send money to anyone before you see your pet.
 If a person insists they have your pet, have them describe your pet in detail and send you her picture.
#5 Don’t Give Up

Last but not least, never give up your search for your pet just because you’ve been looking for her for a few days or weeks.
It’s not uncommon to hear animals that have been lost for months getting reunited with their loved ones.
Don’t give up on your beloved pet as he/she is counting on you to find her.

Final Tips

• Consider working with an expert such as a pet detective to find your lost animal.
• You can also sign up for lost and found email alerts or notifications from reputable animal rescue centers.

In closing, we hope the above tips and ideas help you find your lost pet soon.

Once found, don’t forget to get your dog or cat a collar with a name tag and be sure to microchip them for successful reuniting them if they ever stray again.