Advantages of Advertising with SavingDogsAndCats
Enhanced visibility – We accommodate rich-media/flash ads ~ working closely with you on customizing a successful campaign that fits your company’s needs and budget.
- OnLine & Mobile APP Advertising ~ Banners& Rolling Ads
- POP-Ups! Immediately seen by the 1,000’s of new visitors every day!
- Contest “GiveAways” are legendary! We partner with the Pet Industry to give away more valuable products & services to Rescues & Shelters, nationwide & Canada, that attract hundreds of thousands of Voters, month long contests, &via Social Media outreach.
- Coupon GiveAways
- “Hotline” & “Chat Line” Founding Sponsorship Partners Wanted! ~ 100’s of connections to the pet public daily! Unique Opportunity!
- #1 Dog & Cat Search Directory Offering the Most Listings of Adoptables, Rescues, Shelters & Pet Services Available OnLine or on our APP A ‘must’ for all Dog & Cat Owners& Enthusiasts
- Our Personal relationships with Dog & Cat Rescues& the Pet Caring Public~ coordinating and saving dozens/day/nationwide. our service to them make us more unique& connective in what we do, bring and offer than any other pet website/APP.
Your partnering with SavingDogsAndCats will demonstrate better than any other marketing platform available your personal and charitable ‘rescue caring’ involvement in each and every Community nationwide.
Contact us today and discover our reasonable pricing that we guarantee will meet your marketing budget needs. Be assured that we reach the largest target market and deliver the best ROI for your budget.
Bev Gun-Munro: (818-300-4616)
Advantages of Advertising with SaveARescue
Enhanced visibility – We accommodate rich-media/flash ads ~ working closely with you on customizing a successful campaign that fits your company’s needs and budget.
- OnLine & Mobile APP Advertising ~ Banners& Rolling Ads
- POP-Ups! Immediately seen by the 1,000’s of new visitors every day!
- Contest “GiveAways” are legendary! We partner with the Pet Industry to give away more valuable products & services to Rescues & Shelters, nationwide & Canada, that attracthundreds of thousands of Voters, month long contests, &via Social Media outreach.
- Coupon GiveAways
- “Hotline” & “Chat Line” Founding SponsorshipPartners Wanted! ~ 100’s of connections to the pet public daily! Unique Opportunity!
- #1 Dog & Cat Search Directory Offering the Most Listings of Adoptables, Rescues, Shelters & Pet ServicesAvailable OnLine or on our APP A ‘must’ forall Dog & Cat Owners& Enthusiasts
- Our Personal relationships with Dog & Cat Rescues& the Pet Caring Public~ coordinating and saving dozens/day/nationwide. our service to them make us more unique& connective in what we do, bring and offer than any other pet website/APP.
Your partnering with SaveARescue will demonstrate better than any other marketing platform available your personal and charitable ‘rescue caring’ involvement in each and every Community nationwide.
Contact us today and discover our reasonable pricing that we guarantee will meet your marketing budget needs. Be assured that we reach the largest target market and deliver the best ROI for your budget.
John Lawton: (732) 810-2123
Bev Gun-Munro: (818-300-4616)