

  • Breed Group : TOY
  • Origin : CHINA
  • Average Height : 10" - 14"
  • Average Weight : 14 - 18 lbs
  • Life Span : 12 - 16 years

Photo Courtesy of : Pugs You Gotta Save P.U.G.S.

  • Size

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  • Energy

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  • Intelligence

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Ease of Training

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  • Hypo-Allergenic

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  • Shedding

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  • Good with Kids

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  • Good with Other Pets

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  • Guard Dog

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Pug Rescue Organizations

  • The Pug is one of the oldest breeds known today, believed to have originated before 400 BC.

    There is somewhat of a debate over the origin of the Pug. Most researchers agree that the Pug originated from Asia, descended from a shorthaired Pekingese. Another theory is that it is the result of crossing a small Bulldog, while others speculate that it is a miniature form of the French Mastiff ( Dogue de Bordeaux). The artist Hogarth had a Pug named "Trump" that he often depicted in his works.

    The breed became popular during Victorian times in the 19th century. Tibetan monasteries kept Pugs as pets. The breed made its way to Japan and Europe, where it not only became a pet of royalty but the official dog of the House of Orange in Holland. Prince William II owned Pugs. One dog in particular was said to have saved his life in 1572 at Hermingny, when the dog barked at approaching Spaniards alerting him of their presence.

    In France, Napoleon's wife Josephine had a Pug named Fortune. On their wedding night, when Napoleon refused to allow the dog to sleep in their bed, Josephine told him, "If the Pug does not sleep in our bed, neither do I!" When Josephine was sent to prison she used the little dog to send secret messages to her husband by placing a note under the collar of her Pug. In 1860 when the British took over the Chinese Imperial Palace, they discovered several Pugs and Pekingese, and the dogs were brought back to England with them. .

    Some of the Pug's talents include: watchdog and performing tricks.
  • • Happy-go-lucky attitude. Keen.
    • Peppy and spirited.
    • Loyal, loving and affectionate.
    • Playful, lively and rambunctious. Entertaining.
    • Highly intelligent, easy to train.
    • Can be willful, and strong minded.
    • Sensitive to tone of your voice.
    • Good watchdog, very devoted.
    • Not yappy.
    • Get along well with other dogs.
    • Catch colds easily.
    • Snore.
    • Prone to allergies and breathing problems.
    • Eyes can be prone to weeping.
    • Do not overfeed, can become obese and shorten their life.
    • Good apartment dog.
    • Moderate exercise needs, daily walks are sufficient.
    • Do not do well in hot or cold weather. Keep indoors, not an outdoor dog.
    • Enjoy energetic games, but if they start to 'wheeze' ~ stop.
    • Easy keep when it comes to grooming needs.
    • Seasonal heavy shedder.


    Pugs are clowns with a lot of personality. However, they can be a little headstrong and stubborn when it comes to obedience. They are good with children; however, they do not take for constant playing and running with the children for long periods of time. This dog is made to be a companion not a guard dog. Many pugs are highly interested in strangers and making them their new best friends. They may alert you to the presence of a stranger; however, you may not hear them because their bark is usually muffled by their lips and short, flat muzzles.

    In this breed, the males tend to be more easy going, and loving of people and children. The females tend to be more independent, alert, and observant. The pug is supposed to be friendly and able to love everyone human and animals equally and as energetically. There are usually no problems integrating them into homes with children and other pets like cats, rodents, or birds.

    This is an even-tempered stable breed with a lot of playfulness, charm, dignity, love, and an outgoing extravert. They are mischievous, willful, self-confident, and cheerful. They are not nervous or high strung and should not display aggression.


    Owners must be prepared to deal with a lot of shedding. Pugs have both a top coat and an undercoat, with the top coat having long straight hairs and the undercoat having softer, straight hairs. Normal hair length on a pug is about 3/4 of an inch, although they can be longer.


    Pugs require regular exercise in order to keep their muscle tone; however, it is very important to ensure that the pug does not overheat. Daily walks is good for the pug-just listen to his breathing and ensure that he does not get overly tired or winded. The ideal temperature for exercise is 30 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.


    Pugs will be eager to learn because of their desire to please you, but they are clowns and occasionally stubborn. They are famous for quickly learning commands but repeat performance later may be difficult or needing encouragement to repeat. However, many do go one to compete in obedience, conformation, and agility trials. Pugs will benefit from learning at an early age the basic obedience commands when most of the "non-performance" is due to clowning rather than stubbornness.

    Health Problems

    Pugs are usually healthy and hearty dogs. The most common problem is that the pugs suffer from obesity because they seem to love to overeat even when fed an excellent Diet. Feed not by what is on the bag or by filling up the bowl. Feed only what is necessary to keep your Pug at a healthy weight where you can just feel the ribs.

    Occasionally, the face and nose wrinkle should be cleaned to prevent infection. The teeth must be brushed regularly especially since many of the teeth are overcrowded in the small, flat muzzle and mouth of the Pug.

    Pugs, because of their short noses, are also prone to breathing, respiratory, and Snoring issues. Be particularly vigilant and cognizant when the weather or temperature is hot, humid, and cold. Most of the respiratory issues revolve around elongated soft palates and pinched nostrils. Both can be corrected with surgery; however, owners must remember that these dogs were bred to be indoor companions. If the condition is exacerbated when exercising or being outside during these circumstances, then ensure shorter timeframes while outdoors.

    Pug dog encephalitis is a condition that is being researched because it seems to be related to genetics. Its symptoms are seizures, circling, blindness, coma and death. It is a rapid degenerative disease that can be fatal in a matter of weeks. However, pugs can suffer from Epilepsy and these seizures can be totally unrelated to encephalitis.

    Some pugs have seasonal Allergies which will be displayed by weepy eyes, sneezing, etc. Food allergies are not as common; however, some veterinarians will suggest a change in Diet to combat seasonal Allergies.

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