Our Mission

#1:  SavingDogsAndCats’s overriding belief is that collaboration is essential to ending the Dog & Cat overpopulation, abandonment & dumping problems that exist nationwide.

As such we have established ourselves as a “Hub” and the Center to Serve, partner with and coordinate with all Rescues, Shelters  [22,000+], and anyone who reaches out to us for help, resources, advice and aid in saving any Dog or Cat in a life-threatening, suffering condition.  Our “Hotline” & “Chat Line” is a major source, service and valuable resource that makes us the “Hub & Center” that results in us making more ‘Saves’ every day nationwide.  We Save More, Do More and Become More as an “Inter-Active” action based resource that creates immediate solutions.

#2:   SavingDogsAndCats created, tested and made available a 24/7  “HOTLINE” &”CHAT” line giving the public a much needed Service & Resource to reach out to ~ to report animal cruelty and create immediate solutions for any Dog or Cat in any life-threatening, suffering, neglected situation.  Our Hotline is proving that Abandonments & ‘Dumpings’ equal or are even greater than the Dogs/Cats relinquished to Shelters.


  • We believe that every animal’s life is valuable and should be cherished.
  • We believe that animal rescue work is important.
  • We believe that we all  should become more inform and educated about the impact of Dog & Cat overpopulation here in this country.
  • We believe that Spaying and Neutering are integral to ending the animal overpopulation problem.
  • We have proven and continue to prove every day that our Website & APP increases the effectiveness of saving more Dogs & Cats.

The dumping and abandonment is epidemic, especially in light of this 2020 COVID-19 that has caused mass financial hardship on so many pet owners, combined with 1,000’s of Shelters not ‘taking-in’/accepting relinquished pets, giving owners no choice but to leave them to fend for themselves on dangerous urban streets, alone and defenseless in rural America; deserts, swamps and everglades, and deadly weather conditions, without food, water or shelter, starving and dying from the elements by the 1,000’s.


  • We believe that: “Every Dog & Cat’s Life is as Important to Them as Your Life is to You!


“911-like” Dog & Cat Call Center “Hotline” & “Chat Line” Service

#2: SavingDogsAndCats received more than 25,000+ Calls in a short period of time & has saved more than 7,000+ Cats/Dogs nationwide.

*Due to the overwhelming response we have been forced to temporarily place the “Hotline” on hold [voicemail only] until we can be properly funded to properly offering this much needed Service to the pet caring public.

A dedicated for Dogs & Cats ~ 24/7 Toll-Free “Hotline” & “Chat Line”.

You’re your signature to our petition link below will help us save 1,000’s more Cats & Dogs monthly.