Alpha Nine Professional Dog Training is a mobile & Metro Atlanta based company that provides a broad spectrum of dog training techniques and services, all of which focus on giving you the tools and techniques needed for maximum effectiveness and obedience. Obedience training focuses on teaching boundaries through commands and engaging demeanor and boundary issues in all breeds, all sizes. When we take an animal into our home, in one way of saying it or another: we are fighting nature. So where nature leaves off we are supposed to pick up. This is where Alpha Nine comes in. Most of our problems are that we approach the situations with our intellect; allowing our brains to get in the way of our instinct: less thinking and more doing. Nothing makes us happier than to turn this around, to make a family a complete, happy-family and to give a good dog, a new “A-Nine K-9″, the second chance they deserve. We are their parents, it’s the least we can do. Remember: the beginning is the hardest part. We simply make it easier.
Alpha Nine Professional Dog Training is a mobile & Metro Atlanta based company that provides a broad spectrum of dog training techniques and services, all of which focus on giving you the tools and techniques needed for maximum effectiveness and obedience. Obedience training focuses on teaching boundaries through commands and engaging demeanor and boundary issues in all breeds, all sizes. When we take an animal into our home, in one way of saying it or another: we are fighting nature. So where nature leaves off we are supposed to pick up. This is where Alpha Nine comes in. Most of our problems are that we approach the situations with our intellect; allowing our brains to get in the way of our instinct: less thinking and more doing. Nothing makes us happier than to turn this around, to make a family a complete, happy-family and to give a good dog, a new “A-Nine K-9″, the second chance they deserve. We are their parents, it’s the least we can do. Remember: the beginning is the hardest part. We simply make it easier.